Saturday, December 27, 2008

Christmas Is Over

Hi everyone, it's me, Scout. It's official, Christmas is over. Mama took the tree down yesterday. It used to be behind me and now a table is there. Jack slept through it all. Mama just picked up the tree and took down to the "Christmas closet". She doesn't undecorate it. It's a strange thing to see.

We had a nice Christmas. Mama and Daddy were home with us all day. We had a turkey dinner. We watched movies and played. It was a fun day.

Mama went shopping yesterday and brought us home two new stuffies and two big boxes of Milk-bones. She said she got a really good price on them. She was happy and we are happy to have new toys. Okay, so Jack doesn't look happy right now, but he was really happy last night. There are storms predicted for today and Jack is nervous. It's 66 degrees here and that's not normal for our area. Mama and Daddy were going to go to the store, but looked at the radar and the storms are headed for us, so they are going to stay home with us until after the storms pass. They are saying that tornadoes could break out and that's why Mama wants to stay home with us.


  1. I'm glad you had a nice Christmas! Those are great stuffies that Mama got you! And what's this about tornadoes in December? Yikes! I hate tornado weather and that is the reason I left Kansas. I hope you stay safe!

  2. We don't have to deal with tornadoes here, but after handing out 6 stuffies this weekend it looks like we were just hit by one. Our grey Nigel shreds them!

  3. We are glad that your Mama is home with you. Our Mom says that tornadoes are not fun. Have you ever tried Scooby Snacks biscuits?? They are even better than Milk Bones. I once ate an entire tub of them when Mom tried to hide them from me (but I found them).



Home Again - Part 3

 Well, we just realized that we didn't finish telling you about the rest of our trip home.  I don't know if we even remember the res...