Thursday, December 4, 2008

Poor Jack

It's me, Jack. If I look sad, it's because I am.

I cut my leg again last night. I had been playing in the backyard with Scout. We have an imaginary race track out there. We were running and running and running. Mama said that Daddy was home and I ran into the garage and slid and fell. I got up and immediately ran through the house and did laps in the living room. I then stopped and cried. Mama and Daddy immediately looked at me and saw that my leg was bloody. I left a trail of blood throughout the house. Mama and Daddy took care of me, but my leg hurts today. Mama even served me my breakfast in bed this morning. How long do you think she will continue to baby me?


  1. Poor Jack, I know how it is. I was so excited one time when Mom got home, that I was turning circles and turned into the garage door handle. I cut my face right under my eye. I had to have stitches. Just be careful from now on.


  2. Ouch, Camie, that had to hurt. Did you look sad and get lots of treats? I've been working it really hard today. Mama even got out some people food for me. I ate it really fast, so I think she knows that I'm not in as bad of shape as I wanted her to think.

  3. Jack, dat hads to hurts! I wud have run to my mom too (course I always run to hers more). I's hope yoo heal quick and dat yoo gotted lots of treats?

  4. I am very sad that you got a hurty. I hope you get lots of kisses and treats to help you feel better.

  5. Thank you everyone. I have been getting lots of love and treats. Mama says I need to leave the cut alone so that it will heal, but I want to lick it. I keep getting in trouble for licking it. It's my sore, I should be able to do what I want with it!

  6. Well, Jack,I say you just get Momma to pamper you for as long as you can. Maybe, while you are recovering on the couch you can write more on your great blog. I think it is the greatest. Feel better soon.


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