Saturday, April 11, 2009

I'm Naked!

Mama made me a new collar and Daddy said that people will think I am naked wearing it. See, it blends into me. I could be a hunter. A hunter hunting rabbits. LOL (I really don't hunt rabbits, but you know, people always say that greyhounds chase rabbits during the race. We really don't...oh, never mind, it was supposed to be a joke.)

Mama says that I look very handsome and it will be perfect for camping. I have a green one like this and the kids call me an Army dog.

Happy Saturday everyone!

The Handsome One


  1. You look extra-handsome in that collar!

  2. I also agree, Really handsome. When Are you going to open your store? Sammy would love a collar. Think I could send you some money and you could make one for him? let me know, but aren't sure if you want too yet ;)


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