We have had tornadoes in the St. Louis area today. We are safe here in the hotel, but a tornado hit the town where we used to live. That's right, our hometown, Robertsville, MO, aka Two Greyhound Town was hit by a tornado. Mama called a neighbor to see if there was any damage to their house and our old house. She was at work, so she does know for sure. We think it's probably okay because the tornado was a few miles from our house. It did destroy a few homes and caused damaged in the town of Robertsville.
There were several tornadoes in the area today. Sunset Hills, where Mama used to work, was hit hard. She still likes to shop in that area. It's really sad seeing all the damage on the news. It's really bad.
We are thankful that we are safe and are sending our thoughts and prayers out to all those who have lost their homes.
The Greyhound Who Is Thankful
Jaxson, the greyhound, shares his adventures living at the beach and traveling in a camper van.
Friday, December 31, 2010
What We've Learned After A Week Of Hotel Living

Okay, so this is what we have learned so far.
1) Two people and two hounds cannot fit in our little kitchen and if we are all try to fit while Mama is fixing dinner, she gets cranky.
2) It's a good thing that Mama stocked up on the poop bags because Jack is a pooping machine. Petsmart had them on clearance this week, so she bought like over 350. She probably should have bought more.
3) Scout wants to get a Mini Cooper. She is in awe of them whenever she sees one. We keep telling her that she will not fit in one, but she says she is asking Santa for one.
4) Snow is fun to run in, but not to walk in. It gets really old after the first day.
5) We are not anything special here. People know that we are not tigers, deer, gazelles, army dogs, great danes or anything else. A few people have talked to us, but most people ignore us.
6) Some people don't clean up after their dogs which is great for the dogs because they don't have to wait for their Mama's to get the poop bag out of the dispenser and/or coat pocket. On the bad side, our Mama steps in their "remains" and she is not happy about it.
7) The highway traffic is loud and the buses will about blow you off the sidewalk.
8) The dishwasher is really loud and it can't be run while Mama is working since her desk is like two feet from it.
9) There is a guest here that needs to get their car fixed. It makes a terrible screeching noise that can be heard as they circle the parking lot. If we can hear it in our room, we wonder how loud it is for them.
and finally
10) Don't touch cars with your nose because it can set off the alarm.
Jack and Scout
The Country Greyhounds Who Are Now Living In The Big City
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Mama and Daddy closed on the house yesterday, so we are now officially houseless. Mama is happy that it is all over and still amazed with how it all happened. The house was off the market for a week when a couple wanted to see it for a second time. They brought their entire family to see it and while they were deciding, another person wanted to see it. He fell in love with it and he put in an offer immediately. The buyer was so easy to work with. Daddy said someone would fall in love with our house and that's what happened. He saw it, loved it and wanted it.
The Greyhound Who Is Starting To Like Hotel Living
Monday, December 27, 2010
Hotel Living
Today is our first "work day" at the hotel. Mama works from home, you know, so now she works from the hotel. Scout and I normally sleep most of the day, but today has been different. We have watched a few dogs walk past our patio door. We saw a housekeeping cart for the first time and Scout barked at it. Greyhounds aren't supposed to bark, but Scout has never been "right". We walked by some office buildings and a restaurant that smells so good. We thought we were going to have to make an emergency trip to the old house because the realtor couldn't get the keyless entry to work on the garage door and today was the walk thru. Mama told us to "hurry, hurry" because it's at least a 30 minute drive and they were waiting for us. They were able to open it though, so instead of turning right around, we went to McDonalds. Yummy! We are starting to like part of this city living.
We are anxious for this snow to melt because it's not fun to walk in. We would still rather be back at home, but Mama says we need to get used to this place because we are going to be here for a while. We drove around looking at homes yesterday, but the roads they were on were too slick and Daddy said he didn't want to go in the ditch with us in the car. I guess it's okay to go in the ditch if it's just Mama with him.
Here are a few photos of us in our hotel room. Mama will take more when she straightens things up, but really, it's pretty hopeless. She makes the bed and we just unmake it. We have our toys, beds and toys all over the room. I think Mama just needs to go with it and enjoy not having to do much of anything. She will have to keep a house clean soon enough.
Our room has a full kitchen, computer desk, couch, chair and the bed, of course. It's like an efficiency apartment. We are used to having 2,600 square feet to run around in, so we are having to be creative with our zoomies and playing. We don't have a hallway to run around in because it's not that kind of hotel. Our door opens up to the outside. Mama is very careful to make sure we are secure before she takes us out.
The Greyhound Who Finds Hotel Living A Little Interesting
Saturday, December 25, 2010
Merry Christmas

We are having a white Christmas this year. We sure wish we had our yard to run in. We really wanted to run last night, but Mama says she is too old to run with us. Drat! We miss our house and our yard, but we are adjusting to hotel living.
Jack & Scout
The Greyhounds Who Wish You a Merry Christmas
Friday, December 24, 2010
A Photo With Santa

We are going to have snow today. Mama is going to stay at the hotel with us and keep us company. Daddy is going to visit family. Tomorrow, we will all be together.
We had an okay night. Mama took us for a longer walk and we were able to explore our new "home". We felt better after that. However, it is noisy here. There are cars zooming by on the highway. We heard sirens. We saw someone's car being towed away. We didn't have any activity like that in Two Greyhound Town. Our ice maker makes a lot of noises. There is a lot to get used to here. Scout slept on the couch last night, so I think she is feeling more comfortable.
I found out that the TV here gets Judge Judy, so that makes me feel better. You know, I love my Judge Judy.
The Greyhound Who Is Living In A Hotel In The "City"
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Hotel Living
We are in the hotel and Scout and I do not like it at all. We want to go back home, but Mama says we have to stay here until we find another house. It's not at all like I thought it would be. I can't do zoomies here. There are boxes all over, but Mama says that will change. She's trying to unpack, but she brought too much stuff. She said some of the stuff will have to go to Grandma's.
Scout and I were so excited all day about our big move. Mama and Daddy packed up the cars and left for a few hours. The Pod man came while they were gone and took it away. After they got home, we did zoomies in our house because it was empty. It's fun doing zoomies in an empty house.
Daddy said that one of us would have to stay behind because there wasn't room for both of us and our beds in the Jeep. We didn't want to stay behind, so we squeezed into the Jeep with our beds and blankets. We could see out the window without even standing up. It was fun. Mama wanted to take photos but the camera was already at the hotel.
Mama cried as we left the house. She said a chapter of our life has ended and while she is very happy, she is a little sad too. I didn't really understand it until we got to this hotel and now I'm sad too.
Mama says our yard here is nice because we have a patio door and it's blocked off for just us. I don't get why she thinks it's nice. It's small. It's not like home at all. I really want to go back home.
The pizza man didn't come tonight. Mama says he will come after we get settled in and can enjoy his visit more.
The Greyhound Who Is Very Sad Tonight
Scout and I were so excited all day about our big move. Mama and Daddy packed up the cars and left for a few hours. The Pod man came while they were gone and took it away. After they got home, we did zoomies in our house because it was empty. It's fun doing zoomies in an empty house.
Daddy said that one of us would have to stay behind because there wasn't room for both of us and our beds in the Jeep. We didn't want to stay behind, so we squeezed into the Jeep with our beds and blankets. We could see out the window without even standing up. It was fun. Mama wanted to take photos but the camera was already at the hotel.
Mama cried as we left the house. She said a chapter of our life has ended and while she is very happy, she is a little sad too. I didn't really understand it until we got to this hotel and now I'm sad too.
Mama says our yard here is nice because we have a patio door and it's blocked off for just us. I don't get why she thinks it's nice. It's small. It's not like home at all. I really want to go back home.
The pizza man didn't come tonight. Mama says he will come after we get settled in and can enjoy his visit more.
The Greyhound Who Is Very Sad Tonight
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Remember my dream of laying in bed at the hotel with my jammies on waiting for the pizza man? Well, it's not going to happen. Why? Because Daddy put my jammies in the Pod! That's right, my jammies are loaded up and will not be seen until we get to the new house. Not only did Daddy load up my jammies, but also our coats and snoods. Mama had placed them carefully in a Space Bag and put them in a stack of other Space Bag items. Daddy put all the Space Bags in the Pod. :-O That was not supposed to happen. Mama said we are lucky we didn't get put in the Pod. If you are wondering why Daddy doesn't just get them out of the Pod, well, that would take a lot of work. They are behind our box springs and several other big items and well, that is just not going to happen. Mama said she will order us new winter coats tomorrow after we get our room number at the hotel.
Mama messed up and told Daddy to pack the wrong dog bed. Scout is a little miffed. She still has a bed, but it's not her favorite one. This packing sure is confusing. Mama messed up a lot. She had set out the remote to the DVD player so that we would have it at the hotel and then for some unknown reason, she packed it. Yep, it is also Podded. I think we are going to be doing a lot of shopping.
Today is our last day at the house. Mama has to work this morning and then she said we will start cleaning. Tomorrow we move to the hotel!!!!
The Greyhound Who Will Be Naked At The Hotel
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
My Bed Has Been Drained
It's been crazy around here. If you are not careful, you will get boxed up. The couch is gone. The big screen TV is gone. I had the big bed until today, but then they drained the water out of it. I guess they thought that would keep me from sleeping on it. I fooled them. I can still sleep on it.

It looks like we may be moving early. A snowstorm is predicted for Christmas Eve, so we may move out on Thursday to avoid moving in the snow.
The Greyhound Who Thinks Moving Is Stressful and Mama Agrees.
It looks like we may be moving early. A snowstorm is predicted for Christmas Eve, so we may move out on Thursday to avoid moving in the snow.
The Greyhound Who Thinks Moving Is Stressful and Mama Agrees.
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Bye Bye Toys
Monday, December 13, 2010
The Pizza Man Better Be Worth It
Moving is a lot harder than I expected. It is disrupting our lives.
Friday, Daddy took our RV to our uncle's house where it will stay through the winter. It was sad to see it leave.
Saturday, the Pod showed up. Mama and Daddy spent the weekend packing things and loading them into the Pod. It's almost loaded and will be picked up this week. Another Pod will then be delivered and Mama says that's when our favorite things; the couch and the big bed will be moved. We are not looking forward to that. Mama is not looking forward to moving the couch. It has recliners built into it, so it's heavy.

We had a little snow on Sunday, so that made Mama worry. She is scared that we will have trouble getting out of here if we get too much snow. We still need to take a few trailer loads of things to Good Will, Grandma's and our uncle's house this week. Mama is really stressing over the weather, but what good does that do? Daddy says she needs something to worry about.
Daddy packed up all of our toys before we had a chance to choose what we wanted to take to the hotel. Mama thought Scout's favorite toy was packed so she said Santa would bring her a new one, but then we found it under the bed. We actually found six of our toys, so even though our limit was supposed to be two, we are taking all six to the hotel.
We've been trying to help with the packing. That bubble wrap sure is a fun invention. It's fun to walk on because it goes pop, pop, pop.

The packing peanuts are messy. They stick to your nose.
Even though it's been a little fun, Scout and I are nervous about this whole moving thing. We don't like all the mess. We just hope meeting the pizza man is worth all of this trouble.
The Greyhound Who Doesn't Like Moving After All
Friday, Daddy took our RV to our uncle's house where it will stay through the winter. It was sad to see it leave.
Saturday, the Pod showed up. Mama and Daddy spent the weekend packing things and loading them into the Pod. It's almost loaded and will be picked up this week. Another Pod will then be delivered and Mama says that's when our favorite things; the couch and the big bed will be moved. We are not looking forward to that. Mama is not looking forward to moving the couch. It has recliners built into it, so it's heavy.
Daddy packed up all of our toys before we had a chance to choose what we wanted to take to the hotel. Mama thought Scout's favorite toy was packed so she said Santa would bring her a new one, but then we found it under the bed. We actually found six of our toys, so even though our limit was supposed to be two, we are taking all six to the hotel.
We've been trying to help with the packing. That bubble wrap sure is a fun invention. It's fun to walk on because it goes pop, pop, pop.
Even though it's been a little fun, Scout and I are nervous about this whole moving thing. We don't like all the mess. We just hope meeting the pizza man is worth all of this trouble.
The Greyhound Who Doesn't Like Moving After All
Thursday, December 9, 2010
We just got the official word that the house is SOLD! Remember Mama's dream? She dreamed the house sold for a certain dollar amount and the house was not even on the market when she had that dream two weeks ago. Well, it sold for that dollar amount! Mama says we are blessed whatever that means.
Lots of excitement in our house tonight. We will be leaving "Two Greyhound Town" in a little over two weeks for a new adventure.
The Greyhound Who Is GOING To Meet The Pizza Man Soon
Lots of excitement in our house tonight. We will be leaving "Two Greyhound Town" in a little over two weeks for a new adventure.
The Greyhound Who Is GOING To Meet The Pizza Man Soon
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Friday, December 3, 2010
Today is a BIG Day!
We are having the appraisal and the inspection done today. Mama is happy that it's all being done in one day. She said we won't have to hide all of our stuff anymore after today, but we will have to start packing some of it. She is threatening to put our stuffiies in a Space Bag. We are not sure we like that idea.
The appraiser showed up early. Mama and Daddy were still cleaning when he came. He said everything looked good, but we have to wait for the official answer.
The buyer was a little uneasy being here without an agent, so Mama offered to stay in the RV during the inspection. He said that was fine and even said we could stay in the house during the inspection, but Mama said we would all be fine in the RV. We are in the RV as we are typing this.
After the inspection is over, we are going to drive by a house that just came on the market. It's a two story which is not what we want, but the price makes it hard to not at least look at it.
Mama and Daddy are going to look at some homes on Sunday. We can't go because it's going to be too cold for us to stay in the car. We will have to wait at home.
Jack and Scout
The Greyhounds Who Are Getting Closer to Meeting A Pizza Man
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Home Again - Part 3
Well, we just realized that we didn't finish telling you about the rest of our trip home. I don't know if we even remember the res...