Our vacation is now over and Dad is back to work, so we have more time to update our blog.
As we mentioned before, we really enjoyed attending the Escapade which was held in Goshen, IN this year. What is Escapade? It is a rally put on by Escapees, which a RV club that we joined a few years ago. This year, there were something like 1,052 people and over 500 rigs. It was very well organized.
The rally started on a Monday. The vendors' market opened at 9 a.m. The folks shopped for a while and then came home for lunch. At 2 p.m., they attended a 1st timers seminars that told them how to get around the rally. Everyone was given a pocket guide to events and then a bigger guide that explained each seminar. At 3 p.m., opening ceremonies were held.Two $500 cash prizes were handed out. Then they had an ice cream social. At 7 p.m. more attendance prizes. They gave away some really nice prizes. Johnny Counterfit performed after that. He does impersonations of singers and Mama said he was really good.
Johnny Counterfit |
The seminars (classes) began on Tuesday. Here are classes they attended on Tuesday: RV Interior Refurbishing, Technology For Travelers, Highway History and Back Road Mystery (very interesting) and Smartphones/Tablets for Travelers. At 4 p.m., they came home and walked us and then they had to rush back to the First-timers Social. There were several socials held each night, but Mama's compliant was that they were held at 4:30 p.m. and it was hard to come home after class, walk us and then head back by 4:30. It would have been easier if she had skipped classes, but she wanted to attend as many classes as possible. Attendance prizes were handed out at 7 and then the entertainment began. The folks said it was really bad on this night. A lot of people walked out including the folks. They felt bad doing it, but the sound system was really bad and they couldn't understand what the performers were saying.
Wednesday, they attended the following classes: Insider Cleaning Tips (Excellent) Picasa & Picasa Web Albums, Ins & Outs of Towing Safety, Coulda, Woulda, Shoulda (Mama said she shouldn't have. BOL!), Making Your Nest Egg Last, and Geocashing/Hunting Treasure. There was no entertainment, so they went out for dinner after class.
Mark, instructor from boot camp on the big screen. It turned cold during our stay, plus he is getting ready to head to Alaska soon. |
The rain caused this person to get stuck in the mud. |
Thursday, they attended the following classes: Your Bucket List, Wrinkle-Free Laundry (Excellent), Basic Genealogy, Realities of Full-Time Lifestyle, Escapees RV Club-What's New (Very Good). Door prizes were held at 7 p.m. and then Ham-O-Rama was held. Ham-O-Rama was performances by fellow club members. It was really good.
Ham-O-Rama |
Friday, they only attended one class: Make your Rig More Live-Able (Very Good). The Pet Parade was held at 11:15 a.m. The chili cook-off was held at 11:45 p.m. Closing Ceremony was held at 3 p.m. A farewell party was held at 7 p.m.
Posing for pictures after the pet parade. |
Relaxing after the pet parade. |
Saturday, there was a breakfast, but the folks did not attend.
There were several classes that Mama wanted to attend but couldn't because they were held at the same time. There were craft classes held, but Mama didn't make it to any of those. Yoga and Zumba classes were also offered. There was also a craft show, but Mama missed that, too. There was definitely more to do than there was time.
It was like a happy hour for dogs whenever classes ended. All the dogs were out meeting and greeting each other with their people. It was fun!
Mama really enjoyed sharing other stories of the road with fellow full-timers. One person asked the negatives of living on the road full-time. The only answer that anyone would come up was the weather. Yes, there are breakdowns, but houses need repairs too. Sometimes, it is harder for Mama because she doesn't have a car and can't always ride Buddy. Something as simple as buying a birthday card can turn into a big deal because she doesn't have a car and then if she makes it to the store, she has to find a place to mail it. It is not as simple as walking to your mailbox to mail a card. However, her situation is unique because most people have a car and they can do what they want, when they want. Mama feels like she has lost a lot of independence not having a car on a daily basis, but I'm happy that she is home with us more.
The folks really hope to attend the next Escapade which will be held in March in Tuscon, AZ.
The Greyhound Who Enjoyed Escapade Too!