Jaxson, the greyhound, shares his adventures living at the beach and traveling in a camper van.
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Thank you!
We are still learning all about the blogging world, but we love it. We spent a while today trying to figure out how to list all of our blogs in our profile, but we are lost. Can you list non-blogger blogs? I'm sure I have seen other people do it. We would also like to show a widget with the link to our other blogs, but again, we haven't figured that out. We can do a widget and we can do a link, but we can't figure out how to combine them. :::sigh:::
On a side note, do you know how much gas is selling for at a station in St. Louis? $1.11. Can you believe that? It's true.
The Two Greyhound Town Crew,
Patty, Jack & Scout
Monday, December 29, 2008
Enjoying the Simple Things in Life
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Muddy Dog Blues
I doubt that Scout learned her lesson and I bet she will be running in the mud later today. Daddy says she needs to wear mudflaps.
Sorry, we do not have pictures of Scout and her mud to share. Mama was too upset with Scout to take photos. Scout came into the mud room and really made it a mud room. She shook and mud went all over the walls and the washer and dryer. LOL
Saturday, December 27, 2008
Christmas Is Over
We had a nice Christmas. Mama and Daddy were home with us all day. We had a turkey dinner. We watched movies and played. It was a fun day.
Mama went shopping yesterday and brought us home two new stuffies and two big boxes of Milk-bones. She said she got a really good price on them. She was happy and we are happy to have new toys. Okay, so Jack doesn't look happy right now, but he was really happy last night. There are storms predicted for today and Jack is nervous. It's 66 degrees here and that's not normal for our area. Mama and Daddy were going to go to the store, but looked at the radar and the storms are headed for us, so they are going to stay home with us until after the storms pass. They are saying that tornadoes could break out and that's why Mama wants to stay home with us.
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Christmas Eve
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
The Day Before Christmas Eve
Mama thinks everything is okay with her Internet usage now. The website is now showing the usage, so that is a step in the right direction. She said it's a huge relief just to be able to keep track of it herself instead of having to call the company.
Do you know what my sister Scout did last night? I had gotten out of my bed and went to lay on the couch like I do every night. While I was gone, Scout got into my bed. I was half asleep when I walked back into the bedroom and tried to get in my bed. Scout shouted at me for trying to get in bed with her. I was shocked! She shouldn't be in my bed and then to yell at me like that.... it was uncalled for. She woke Daddy up and Daddy said "WHAT IS GOING ON IN HERE?" Yikes! I ran to Mama and she told me it would be okay and to just get in Scout's bed. I wasn't happy, but I did it. Mama keeps telling me there is a reason that they call female dogs the "B" word and it is so true.
Monday, December 22, 2008
Monday Afternoon
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Christmas came early!
Mama is freaking out over her new Internet service. She got rid of the satellite service and now has a wireless card. She is allowed 5G's a month. The company is putting our landline, cell phone and Internet service on one bill and that is causing some confusion. Mama is not able to check her usage on line this month and she keeps calling the phone company. The last guy told her she had an overage which she knows is not true because the lady she spoke with two days earlier explained the problem to her. It's because the account is new and the computer is messing up the usage. The guy told Mama that her bill would be over $2,000 if the overage is correct. He said he marked her account for a human to look at it before sending out the bill. Mama is worried that we are going to get a huge bill that will be a mistake, but will be a hassle to get fixed. She is scared to be online too much this month and is stressing out over dropping her Entrecards. :::sigh:::
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Extra computer parts?
Mama moved her CPU to her desk from the floor. It appears she has extra parts now. She as an USB cable that doesn't seem to go to anything. It appears that everything is working, but I guess only time will tell.
It's finally going to warm up today and we may have thunderstorms tonight. The good thing is that the ice will be melted. The bad thing is that we will have to have our feet wiped because of the mud in the yard. This time of year is just bad.
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Cabin Fever
It is cold here. It's 18 degrees right now and that's warmer than all day yesterday. It was so nice on Sunday and then Monday came and....brrrr. Mama says I have cabin fever. I can't play outside because there is ice and it's cold. I can't run through the house because I might get hurt. I'm bored. It's true that I normally sleep 20 hours a day, but I'm too bored to even sleep. I hate winter!
Monday, December 15, 2008

“These blogs invest and believe in PROXIMITY - nearness in space, time and relationships! These blogs are exceedingly charming. These kind bloggers aim to find and be friends. They are not interested in prizes or self-aggrandizement. Our hope is that when the ribbons of these prizes are cut, even more friendships are propagated. Please give more attention to these writers! Deliver this award to eight bloggers, who must choose eight more and include this cleverly-written text into the body of their award.”
We now must nominate 8 other blogs to receive this award. Our nominations are:
Tip Tail
Big Paw Blog
Don't Live the Shelter Life
Beaded Tail
The M-Cats Club
Poppy Q
My Pretty Scout
Sunday, December 14, 2008
We Saw Santa!

On the way home, we stopped at the park and we walked. I think we should have done that instead of seeing that Santa man.
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Cookie Baking Day 2008
After lunch, Grandpa and I took a nap.
It was a fun day. Look at all the cookies they made. We are expecting an ice storm, so I guess we don't have to worry about going hungry.
Friday, December 12, 2008
Help...Mama is singing and cleaning!
She is rushing around cleaning the house. She has Christmas music on and she is singing. The woman cannot sing. I know it was fine for her to sing at the top of her lungs when she had a deaf dog, but Scout and I can hear just fine and her singing is hurting our ears. Scout has been hiding in the bedroom for an hour.
Mama just stepped into my sunbeam. Excuse me... this is my time to relax. Dust is flying on me. What's a guy got to do to relax around here. All I can say is I better get some good cookies from the cookie baking day tomorrow.
Thursday, December 11, 2008
I Have Trained My People Well
Listen up furkids, train your people. Look at what I have trained my Mama to do. She moves my bed to the sunbeam so that I don't have to sleep on the carpet. Life is good!
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
What Jack Has Learned Since Leaving The Track
Jack writes a blog for our greyhound group. Here is the article that he wrote celebrating his second "gotcha day".
I have now been adopted for two full years! I have learned so many things.
I’ve learned that:
1) Zoomies can be dangerous in the house and drywall hurts when you run into it. I broke a wall once. Ouch!
2) You shouldn’t eat your Daddy’s dinner off the counter.
3) Camping is fun! There are so many people to meet, things to sniff and oh, so many posts!
4) Sisters can be annoying, but you still shouldn’t pee on their heads because they can and will do the same thing to you.
5) If your sister gets in trouble for something, do not take too much delight in it such as bouncing on the bed or dancing around the house.
6) Don’t eat the doorknobs!
7) Mama and Daddy’s bed is so comfy and has the best view of the TV. I love watching my TV shows from their bed. It was more fun before my sister came though. She can be so bossy when it comes to sharing the bed.
8) Sisters can be fun to chase in the yard, but not in the house. No, never in the house.
9) Don’t pee on the firewood that is kept on the screened porch. (I didn’t know we used that wood to heat our house. I thought it was there for decoration.)
10) Four on the floor! You should always keep all four feet on the floor and not jump around on two legs. I sometimes forget that one when I’m excited.
The biggest thing I have learned is that there is nothing better than being adopted. I have a warm house in the winter and a cool house in the summer. I have enough food to eat and almost as many toys as the pet store. I have people who love me no matter what. I can’t imagine a better life.
Monday, December 8, 2008
Gingerbread Girl Looses Arm and Leg

Who looks guilty to you?
I think it's this one.
Scout wouldn't even look at me. She has to be the guilty one. I heard her cruching on something and I thought it was a bone. I didn't realize it was my Christmas ornament. Later I noticed one of my huge silver ball ornaments on the ground. I think this was a two dog incident. I think Jack ran through the house, hit the tree, knocked the ornaments off and Scout grabbed the gingerbread ornament and tried to eat her.
This time of year has to be very confusing to furkids.
Cozy Jack
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Thank you to From Angus With Love and Skitto & Peanut & Chyanne for the following awards:

Here are my nominations:
For The Love of Animals
The Cat/Dog Log
Tatum Tot Spice
Resq Tails
Shih-Tzu Calendars and Gifts
Fuzzy Logic
It's The Dogs Life
1. Put the logos on your blog.
2. Add a link to the person who awarded you.
3. Nominate both awards to other blogs.
4. Add links to those blogs on yours.
5. Leave a message for your nominee on their blogs.
PLEASE NOTE: If you already have these awards just please add, that you also received it from us as well, thank you we will be furrever grateful!
Friday, December 5, 2008
Whatcha Doing?

Thursday, December 4, 2008
Poor Jack
I cut my leg again last night. I had been playing in the backyard with Scout. We have an imaginary race track out there. We were running and running and running. Mama said that Daddy was home and I ran into the garage and slid and fell. I got up and immediately ran through the house and did laps in the living room. I then stopped and cried. Mama and Daddy immediately looked at me and saw that my leg was bloody. I left a trail of blood throughout the house. Mama and Daddy took care of me, but my leg hurts today. Mama even served me my breakfast in bed this morning. How long do you think she will continue to baby me?
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
More Views From Our Window
It could be a deer.

It could be turkey. Yesterday, they almost came up on our front porch. We are country, but not that country.
We have also seen raccoons, but Mama can't find that photo. Stay tuned because you never know what we might see from our window.
Monday, December 1, 2008
Today's View
Sunday, November 30, 2008
A Snowy Sunday Morning
This morning, we woke up to snow. It's not a lot, maybe an inch. Scout and I were still able to do zoomies in our yard though. We ran so fast that we are a blur in many of the photos and sometimes we are not in the photos at all. LOL Mama hates her camera because it doesn't take good photos of us running.
Scout and I love fresh snowfall, but we grow tired of it quickly.
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Happy Thanksgiving!
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
One More Day To Turkey Day
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Thank you very much!

The rules for the awards are:
1. Put the logo on your blog.
2. Add a link to the person who awarded you.
3. Nominate 7 (Love Award) and 10 (Butterfly Award) other blogs.
4. Add links to those blogs on yours.
5. Leave a message for your nominee on their blogs.
My nominations are:
The Playful Puppy
The Junk Drawer
Frogs In My Formula
View of Sue
Life From A Cat's Perspective
The Misadventures of Me
Daisy the Curly Cat
Camie's Kitties
Scout is Pouting

Monday, November 24, 2008
Slow Like a Monday Morning
Jack had a nice slow morning this morning in his jammies. His leg wound is almost completely healed .... thank goodness.
Scout's foot is still sore.
I purchased a wireless Internet card for my computer over the weekend. I spent over 12 hours trying to get it to work. It's still not working. I have to call for help today, which I dread. I hope they will find an easy fix to get it going. It's probably just a setting on my computer.
I started decorating for Christmas this weekend. It's half fall and half Christmas at our house now. LOL
Friday, November 21, 2008
Waiting .....
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Jack's New Look
Nothing really exciting has happened this time, which is good. Mama went to town the other day and came home looking like she stuck her finger in a light socket. She got a new perm. Scary! She has hair that touches her shoulders and she said she likes the curly look better than straight. It's tighter than last time though and we are all getting used to it. She washed it this morning and maybe now she won't scare herself each time she passes a mirror. It was pretty wild looking yesterday.
Scout's birthday was yesterday. We didn't really do much. Mama had said we would go to the park, but Scout's foot is still sore. She cut it earlier this week while running in the yard. We didn't go to Burger King, either. I think it's because of Mama's hair. She wanted to hide out until she could wash it. We had homemade frozen treats to celebrate.
I've been thinking about how people can change their looks with just changing their hair. I can't do that. I mean, look at me, I barely have enough hair to cover my body and not even all of it. I have a bald belly, yes, I said BALD. I decided to try something though. What do you think? Do I look dignified?

Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Happy Birthday Scout!!!

Woot Off!
Monday, November 17, 2008
I'm the Man of the House This Week
Saturday, November 15, 2008
More Holiday Photos of Past & Present Pets

This is the holiday photo that Mama used last year. It's of Scout and me, of course. See, no hats, no ties, just our holiday collars. Mama had the hang of things last year.

Home Again - Part 3
Well, we just realized that we didn't finish telling you about the rest of our trip home. I don't know if we even remember the res...