Monday, September 26, 2011

Vet Visit, Company and Reunion - BUSY!!!

Hi Everyone,

It's me Joooey! We had such a busy weekend. We got up early for my vet visit on Saturday. We were disappointed to learn that the x-ray machine was broken, so no x-ray for me. The doctor did look at me and said I looked good. He said I could stay at the greyhound reunion all day on Sunday and I no longer have to use the sling all the time. Mama was very happy about not having to use the sling all the time and so was I. I hate using it when I do my "business" and sometimes I hold "my business" for 16 hours. I have a good bladder according to the vet. Well, now that I don't have to use it, I do my "business" quite often. Mama says walking me now is so easy and if I want to go under low branches that's fine. She used to have to crawl under the low branches with me and they would hit her in the face and leafs would get in her hair. LOL She did it because I like to do my "business" in that area and she said whatever it takes. Yes, Mama does talk about my "business" a lot. If Daddy takes me out and Mama asks if I did my "business", he won't tell her and just tells us it's my "business" and not hers. It drives her crazy not knowing what is going on with my "business".

Yesterday, was our Greyhound Companions of Missouri reunion. It has been our goal to have me better in time for the reunion. Mama was happy that I was doing well enough to attend. I met all the people who have been doing all they can to give me the best medical care and who sent us the soft-crate and the x-pen and just everything we need. I meant to thank them in person for the soft-crate because it's my favorite, but I forgot.

My cast was signed by lots of people. Mama will have to take a close up photo of my cast later to show you. Scout wore out long before I did. She didn't want to shop or walk around. She just wanted to lay on the blanket. Several people thought she was a boy because she's so big. She doesn't mind because she's not a girly girl as you know. There were lots of raffles to participate in, but we didn't win anything. We received a nice bag when we registered and it had lots of fun things, like treats. Mama bought a calendar and a few sweatshirts. The calendar has a lot of our friends in it that we have met online. Two dogs that we know from our group, Skye and Rocket are the August models. We were thrilled to find them in the calendar.

I met Jack's foster Mom. She didn't know that Jack had died. Mama told her that she thinks all dogs should go through her "boot camp" because Jack was so well trained when he came to them. She didn't think she really trained him, but Mama said he was definitely well behaved and he had to learn it from someone.

There were a lot of bees buzzing around at the reunion and I tried to catch them. Mama caught one in her soda. She took a drink and felt something in her mouth and it was a bee. Yikes! She said it was a strange feeling having a bee in her mouth.

We had a lot of fun and we stayed for the entire four hours. Mama at first thought we would just stay an hour, but the vet said it was fine for me to stay as long as I wanted even if I stood on my leg the whole time. I ended up laying down for a while, so Mama was fine with us staying. We mainly stayed in one area and people visited us when they passed by, so it worked out well for us.

I did move to the blanket after a while. Yikes, I look huge in his photo. I haven't gained any weight since my surgery. It's the camera angle...really it is. Plus, you know that white doesn't hide anything. Scout, at least has stripes.

Mama thought I would sleep on the way home, but there's no way I'm going to miss the scenery passing by the window. I slept good once we got home though.

Yes, of course, Scout slept good. It's her favorite thing to do after eating. She slept through the entire night, which is rare for her.

The Greyhound Who Had A Very Fun Weekend


  1. Hi Y'all,

    Great to hear how well you're doing Joey! So happy you got to enjoy your outing. Wild looking cast.

    Hey I understand about relatives who aren't "pet people". I got a whole passel of 'em. They think "if it has fur it should not be allowed in the house". We don't have much company because of me.

    Y'all come by now,
    Hawk aka BrownDog

  2. Sounds like you had a really greyt time. I am so very glad to hear this!! What a pair of sweeties you and Scout are! Scritches!

  3. I love a reunion! Ours is this weekend and I can't wait! So glad you are getting better Joey.

  4. Glad your leg is getting better. You went to live with your new family the same day my new fur sister came to live with me. Her name is BeBe. (Gabe Amy) My name is Blondie. Love to read your blog.

  5. That sounds like an awesome adventure weekend. Well, except for the grandparents who don't like dogs. We've had our run ins with people like that plenty, but so far we aren't related to any of them.

  6. I see you are a fan of the bully sticks now. :-) Us too! Lots of greyhound reunions happening this time of year.

  7. Glad to see you are doing so well Joey! Some people just don't get that greyhounds can't live uncle suggests the same thing...I remind him of the history of the greyhound and that I'm honored to have Oberon living inside with us.

  8. I'm glad you both had such a grand time at the reunion! I'd have been sad if you didn't get to go. It looks like it was good for both you and Scout. I think Blueberry and Scout would be good friends if they got to meet! They sound a lot alike!


  9. Joey- you have joined a family where you will have lots and lots of good times. With four good legs, you will be enjoying it all so much!

  10. Don't worry Joey, it's totally the camera angle! Scout may have stripes, but at least you have spots :) Glad to hear you had such a good time at the reunion!


Home Again - Part 3

 Well, we just realized that we didn't finish telling you about the rest of our trip home.  I don't know if we even remember the res...