Wednesday, June 15, 2011

I Went On An Adventure

Mama has been keeping me busy with new adventures. Last night, we walked down our road. It's an old highway and during the day it's very busy. It's not busy at night though. It was fun, but I missed not having Jack to share it with me. Mama kept talking to me and I could tell she was trying hard not say anything about Jack. Daddy asked me all about my walk when we got home, but it's still not the same as sharing it with Jack.

This morning, we had a bad storm and our electric went out at 3 a.m. I wasn't scared. Jack would have been nervous with all the thunder, so Mama said it's nice that he missed the storm. The electric company called us and told us that three poles had come down and it was going to take them all day to fix it. I went back to bed, but then Mama surprised me by asking if I wanted to go on an adventure since we couldn't work without electricity.

Our first stop was Sonic for breakfast. Mama had a breakfast burrito and I had a small hamburger, no bun. I'm watching my weight, you know.

Our next stop was the park.

I had never been there before. It's a place Mama and Daddy used to go when they were dating. Mama said that Daddy proposed to her there. The park was full of ducks and geese. There were a lot of people walking. We also saw some dogs and apparently some people don't clean up after their dogs. We think we know the culprit because she didn't have control of her dog and kept telling him to stay on the sidewalk and not walk in the grass. The "mess" was left on the sidewalk. He's our main suspect. I hope no one thought it was me. :-O

After we left the park, we drove around for a while. We drove past the house Mama grew up in and she showed me her grade school. She took me on a hilly road and said to hang on because it feels like you will loose your stomach on some of the hills. I'm not sure I liked it.

We came home and the electric was still off, so Mama read on her Kindle and I took a nap. Then Mama woke me up and said it was lunch time, so back in the car we went. We had McDonalds. We came home and watched all the people come down our road even though the sign said "CLOSED". They would zoom past our house only to have to turn around. The road was closed due to the power lines being repaired. One big tractor trailer had to back all the way down the road. Mama said that everyone thinks signs are for everyone else and not them.

I came in the living room at 1:15 p.m. to tell Mama the electric was back on. The fan in the bedroom came on and that's how I knew. Mama thought I was coming in to complain about the heat, but then she screamed "THE ELECTRIC IS BACK ON SCOUT". No duh, Mama. See, everyone thinks that I'm not that bright, but I'm smarter than they think. They will learn.

The Greyhound Who Thinks Having No Electricity Isn't That Bad


  1. That's a beautiful park! I'm glad the electricity went out and you were able to go on an adventure.

  2. Glad you had a fun day! Don't you hate it when people don't clean up the "yuckies". We have alot of those people here too. The park looks very nice.

  3. What a beautiful park. Looks like having no electricity can be pretty fun.

    I agree with your mom about people thinking signs aren't for them. I see people every day at work read signs, then walk straight past them.

  4. What a beautiful park! I think that was a great place for your dad to propose, it must have been very romantic!

    I'm giggling, because we know ALL about people who think the signs aren't for them! We watch it every year when the festival is on in town.

    I'm glad you had a fun adventure day! I'm thinking it would be fun to have your mom all to yourself for a day!


  5. It's sounds like your adventure(s) were greyt. We don't like them personally, but we can appreciate those who do. Camie wouldn't have liked those hills (Mom thinks she got a bit carsick).

    Cody and Gracie

  6. Let's electricity, means a long walk, a car ride, out to breakfast and lunch, reading and a nap!! OMD, there should be no electricity everyday!!
    Glad you had so much fun and made the best of it!


  7. Macy was terrified of thunderstorms too. I think about her every time it storms.

    The park is beautiful - I'm glad you and Scout got to spend the day together going on a new adventure!


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