Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Surgery Is Over

The hospital just called and said the surgery is over and Joey is awake and doing fine.  The assistant said the vet may call me in a little while.  I've been up since 2 a.m., but Joey slept soundly while I worried.

Scout has been walking through the house whining since he left this morning.  She misses her "Bubba".

My husband and I will pick him up at 4 p.m. tomorrow.  I'm really anxious to see for myself that he is okay.

Thank you for all your good thoughts.  They are very much appreciated.

Mama to Joey, The Greyhound, Who Is Bandaged Again


  1. Yay! Hope his recovery goes smoothe too!

  2. Hi Y'all,

    ROOO, roooo! Three cheers for successful surgery. Poor Joey has had his share of trials and tribulations. It's so good he has such a loving family, human and pawed.

    I'm sure Scout will keep a good watch over Joey.

    Paws crossed all continues to go well.

    Y'all come by now,
    Hawk aka BrownDog

  3. Poor Scout - she just doesn't understand and there is no way to explain it. Hope you can get some sleep, Mama, now that you know he is out of surgery and doing fine. That is the scariest part. Joey will be very glad to see all of you tomorrow also and Scout will have her bubba back!

  4. Good news about Joey..I'm glad it went well, and give Scout a kiss from me and Obie :)

  5. I'm so happy to hear everything went well with Joey's surgery Patty.
    It's lovely how much Scout loves her brother.
    He'll be back with you soon!
    Hugs, Lynne x

  6. Great to hear! Poor Scout, she loves Joey. I bet he will be so happy to see her when he gets home.

  7. Waiting is the worst part. Everyone will be happier when Joey is back home. Especially Scout.

  8. That's such good news! I'm sure you will be glad to see for yourself though.

  9. I'm so glad to hear it's good news! We were never really worried, but I know that when it's your own hound, rational doesn't always make you feel better. Hopefully Joey's off on a grand adventure in the RV soon!

    Bunny and her mom

  10. Glad the surgery is behind you. Hoping for a super speedy recovery!

  11. I'm SO GLAD that Joey's surgery went well. Can't wait until he's home. Poor Scout. She'll be so happy when her Bubba comes home.

  12. So glad to hear he is ok. I hope his recovery goes well and the worst is over now. Many hugs to you, I know the worry. Lots of scritches to Joey and to Scout, her brother is gonna' do just fine!


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