Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Here Comes The Rain!

We are dreading the next two days.  We are supposed to get anywhere from 4" to 6" of rain. We hope they are wrong.  We have been lucky so far today.  We were able to take our 6 a.m. walk and our 8 a.m. walk.  The heavy rain is supposed to start around lunch time, so maybe we will be able to take one more walk before that starts.  Mama is more stressed about it than we are.  Bad storms are predicted for tomorrow. 

Do I look stressed?

A view of our neighbors.

Scout looks really stressed, don't you think?
It is warm enough today, that we can keep our blinds open which helps keep our windows clear of the condensation.   Mama's mood is better when we are able to leave the blinds open.

Scout and I plan to just relax today and watch the rain fall.

The Greyhound Who Doesn't Mind A Walk In The Rain


  1. Oh you two look oh so very stressed. I think you should just relax a little and nap by the sound of the rain falling. It always puts me to sleep.

  2. We would say if you look stressed, it's a pity you can't bottle the cure!
    Hope your storms aren't too bad, the weather people are often wrong.
    Dip Bridge and Elliot x

  3. Hey! Send some rain north to Tulsa! We'll take some of that stress off your shoulders. ;)

  4. Wow! That's a lot of rain. I hope you get less. You guys don't look stressed, but I don't want momma to have the rainy days blues.

  5. I enjoy a nap on a nice rainy day! At least it's rain and not snow!



Home Again - Part 3

 Well, we just realized that we didn't finish telling you about the rest of our trip home.  I don't know if we even remember the res...