Sunday, July 29, 2012

Get Ready DC, We Are On Our Way!

Dad and I wanted to have the title read "Peeing Our Way Across The South", but Mama said "No" to that.  We traveled through Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia and stopped in South Carolina and peed in every state.  The rest stop in Mississippi was just a parking spot with lots of weeds. I guess the economy has hurt them and they have closed rest areas. Alabama had a nice rest area. An ambulance came while we were there and checked out a guy. We think he was just trying to take a nap on a picnic table.  He had a pillow and his radio.  We stopped in Georgia at a gas station and checked it out. It was nice.  Actually, there was no one else there. It was the easiest gas stop we have had. So far, we have not had any issues at gas stations. We just filled up this morning and we just have to make one more gas stop and we will be in DC.

A Stuffed Money on the back of a truck.

A neat cloud.  It looked pink and blue.

Georgia Welcome sign

Missed the sign in South Carolina.

We left at 7 a.m. and arrived at our campground at 8 p.m.  The folks forgot about the time change, so that is why it was 8 p.m.and not 7 p.m. as planned. We didn't eat dinner until 8:45 p.m.   Mama wasn't thrilled about that.  If we were traveling on our own schedule, we wouldn't be on the road for 12 hours. We just need to get there.  Mama microwaved a Jack Daniels' BBQ Shredded Beef for dinner and said it was delicious. We didn't have any.

The RV park we stayed at last night was for SENIORS over 45. LOL   Mama didn't know she was a senior. Dad was all excited about staying there. It was a let down though.  The campground itself was nice and open, but the sites were not very nice.  We barely saw it though, so no big deal.  The map shows they have trails and a lake. It looks like the long term people have a nicer area than what we did.

Area for campfire

Big open field to play in.

Swing under big tree.  There were a few of these.

Another view of the swing.
There was a big dog show nearby and all the people next to us had show dogs. The one guy said they had nine Golden Retrievers in his motor home. He has a toy hauler and the dogs were all in crates.
This is the camper that had 9 dogs inside.  They have 3 more dogs at home.

We are currently in North Carolina making our way to Virginia. We should be stopping around 5 p.m., if all goes well.

The Greyhound Who His Headed For Washington DC


  1. I think peeing across the south sounds like a good title...You have crisscrossed your map now. I wonder what your map will look like when you are done your travels? Have a safe drive today and hope you get to Virginia in time for an earlier supper.

  2. I understand about mommas keeping a handle on daddys, but let your daddy know that we liked his title for the blog post. Very appropriate. It's so much fun hearing about your adventures. Continued safe travels and can't wait to hear what's next.

  3. I like you and your dad's proposed title for this post. I think that would be a very cool thing to do. You're almost there!

  4. Hi Y'all,

    When we travel we like leaving on Sunday mornings by 4am or 5am depending on the season...the hotter the earlier. There is not much traffic that early on Sunday mornings and you can really make some good easy time. Sunday traffic gets heavy after churches let out. Just something that works for us when we can pick our own schedule.

    Hey, it's important to get a chance to read and respond to our pee mail! I like to know who has been visiting my favorite reststops and what they've been doing.

    Y'all come by now,
    Hawk aka BrownDog

  5. WARF!!! I cannot stop WARFING at your title! I think it would have been excellent!

  6. Ha ha! Mom probably wouldn't have let us use that blog title, either, but only because we'd start getting even weirder spam on the blog than we already do! I hope you make good time tomorrow!


  7. We think your and Dad's title was pretty funny! If you had Jack Daniel's BBQ does that mean it was soaked in whisky, LOL.
    Your new campsite looks very nice, have you met lots of showdogs.
    Over 45 seniors - oh my Dog, Mum said she would have put a bag over her head and said she was 20, haha.
    Dip Bridge and Elliot x


Home Again - Part 3

 Well, we just realized that we didn't finish telling you about the rest of our trip home.  I don't know if we even remember the res...