The weather person said that there may be a snow flake yesterday and if we saw one to call the TV station. Yes, she really said a snow flake and not flakes. Scout and I were on high alert looking for the snow flake.
It finally started snowing, but Mama wouldn't let us call the TV station. She said she was sure there were enough other people calling especially since it was more than just one flake.
The weather person warned us about the snow flake, but not about ice. We were quite shocked at 3 a.m. this morning when nature called us. No, we were not shocked that nature called us, but what happened next. The porch looked wet, but Mama didn't expect ice and it was 3 a.m. and she wasn't really awake. We started slipping and sliding. Mama tried to stop us, but then she started sliding. It happened so fast and soon we were all off the porch. Mama thought for sure that I would be hurt, but we were all fine. It was scary! Mama said that we better make good use of the 3 a.m. potty break and we did not disappoint. The porch was still ice covered at 8 a.m., so we went out through the garage. I don't like those steps, but I'm going to have to get used to them during the winter months. Mama went to the store this morning and bought ice melt for the porch. She didn't think Daddy would want her to use it on the porch, but he said he doesn't expect the paint to last any way.
I think it's going to be a long winter!
Oh, guess what? I am now walking on my foot 95 to 98% in the house. I'm doing so good! I'm so glad that adventure on the porch didn't mess me up.
The Greyhound Who Went Slipping And Sliding This Morning
Jaxson, the greyhound, shares his adventures living at the beach and traveling in a camper van.
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Sunday, November 27, 2011
A Tree Is In Our House!
I've been having a really fun weekend with my family. Friday, we went to the park. We saw lots of other dogs. They definitely come in all different sizes, don't they? The weather was wonderful, but then yesterday, it started raining and turned cold. We didn't do much yesterday.
Today, Mama ordered more ram for her computer and then realized that she ordered the wrong size. She thought she had two expansion slots on her computer, but she doesn't. She had to hurry up and call Dell and ask them to cancel it. It took about a half hour to get it canceled. She had to hold, talk to someone, hold, talk to someone, hold, get transferred to someone else, hold and then talk to another person and then it was canceled. She then had to order the correct size.
This evening, Mama decided to put up a tree in our house. She had been debating it. I don't totally understand why there is a tree in our house with lights on it and ornaments, but Scout says it's what we do at this time of the year. Scout said that our tree looks different than other Christmas trees. I guess the house that they lived in before this one was rustic, so that's why we have a rustic tree. Mama said it's a good starter tree for me because there aren't any low branches. Mama put ornaments on it that look like candy, but there aren't any hooks. She is scared that I might swallow a hook. Why would I do that? I haven't really gotten close to it because Daddy keeps making a noise that I know means "NO".
Here's our tree without a flash so you can see the lights better. The Santa at the bottom is a bank that Mama's brother got when he was born. He's almost 52 years old. He didn't want it, so Mama has it. Every year it was under her family's tree and since she and Daddy have been married, it has been under their tree.
Here is how the tree looks with a flash.
Mama has some ornaments that belonged to her grandparents, so those are older than the bank. They are big silver balls and are heavy. She said she can't put them on this tree. We need to get a bigger tree next year so we can really decorate.
The Greyhound Who Has A Tree In His House
Today, Mama ordered more ram for her computer and then realized that she ordered the wrong size. She thought she had two expansion slots on her computer, but she doesn't. She had to hurry up and call Dell and ask them to cancel it. It took about a half hour to get it canceled. She had to hold, talk to someone, hold, talk to someone, hold, get transferred to someone else, hold and then talk to another person and then it was canceled. She then had to order the correct size.
This evening, Mama decided to put up a tree in our house. She had been debating it. I don't totally understand why there is a tree in our house with lights on it and ornaments, but Scout says it's what we do at this time of the year. Scout said that our tree looks different than other Christmas trees. I guess the house that they lived in before this one was rustic, so that's why we have a rustic tree. Mama said it's a good starter tree for me because there aren't any low branches. Mama put ornaments on it that look like candy, but there aren't any hooks. She is scared that I might swallow a hook. Why would I do that? I haven't really gotten close to it because Daddy keeps making a noise that I know means "NO".
Here's our tree without a flash so you can see the lights better. The Santa at the bottom is a bank that Mama's brother got when he was born. He's almost 52 years old. He didn't want it, so Mama has it. Every year it was under her family's tree and since she and Daddy have been married, it has been under their tree.
Here is how the tree looks with a flash.
Mama has some ornaments that belonged to her grandparents, so those are older than the bank. They are big silver balls and are heavy. She said she can't put them on this tree. We need to get a bigger tree next year so we can really decorate.
The Greyhound Who Has A Tree In His House
Friday, November 25, 2011
Have You Tried This Thing Called Whipped Cream?
Grandma and Grandpa brought dessert over last night and while we didn't have any pie, we had this thing called whipped cream. It comes in a can and makes a whoosh noise. Scout was scared of it, but I wasn't.
If you are wondering, we really didn't have much. Daddy was in control of it and he only gave us a little bit each time and Mama took a few pictures with each squirt.
Grandma and Grandpa watched a few of my races that are online. They cheered when I won. They saw the one that ended my career. They were amazed that I finished the race. I came in last, but I finished.
We are headed out to the park today. The rest of the weekend is supposed to be cold and rainy. Today, it will be near 70 and sunny, so we are going to enjoy the weather!
The Greyhound Who Likes The Long Thanksgiving Weekend
If you are wondering, we really didn't have much. Daddy was in control of it and he only gave us a little bit each time and Mama took a few pictures with each squirt.
Grandma and Grandpa watched a few of my races that are online. They cheered when I won. They saw the one that ended my career. They were amazed that I finished the race. I came in last, but I finished.
We are headed out to the park today. The rest of the weekend is supposed to be cold and rainy. Today, it will be near 70 and sunny, so we are going to enjoy the weather!
The Greyhound Who Likes The Long Thanksgiving Weekend
Thursday, November 24, 2011
My First Thanksgiving!
This is my first Thanksgiving with my family. It has been a fun day. Mama and Daddy stayed home with us. It seems that the rest of our family spends every other Thanksgiving with their other families, so we can do whatever we want. We had planned to go camping, but changed our plans. We have a lot of things we want to do around the house, so that's what we are doing this weekend. I helped Daddy get the RV ready for the winter. We put the tire covers on it and then he put the big cover on it. I couldn't help with that, but watched him from the window. Then, Mama started our dinner. We had Cornish hens, mashed potatoes, green bean casserole and rolls. Scout and I had some of the Cornish hens. Yummy! It taste like chicken to us. LOL
Scout and I are taking a much needed break before Grandma and Grandpa come over. They are bringing dessert. I am not sure what that is, but Scout says it's good!
Happy Thanksgiving everyone!
The Greyhound Who Really Likes Thanksgiving
Scout and I are taking a much needed break before Grandma and Grandpa come over. They are bringing dessert. I am not sure what that is, but Scout says it's good!
The Greyhound Who Really Likes Thanksgiving
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
A Bed In The Kitchen? Well, Of Course!
I like laying in the kitchen by the patio door. I have done that since I moved here and finally, Mama decided to move a bed there for me so that I don't have to lie on the hard floor. Thanks, Mama! She said she will put more foam in it so that it's more comfortable. It's an old bed and needs a little more fluff.
Robin commented yesterday that I didn't have my bad foot down in my photo with Santa. Mama said she hadn't even noticed. I had been standing for quite a while before my photo session, so I think I was just tired. I am doing much better than last week. Mama has now upgraded me from a C to a B grade. Last Friday, Mama noticed that I was licking my bad leg and when Daddy came home from work and he walked me, he said I appeared to be in pain. Mama decided to give me some additional pain medication (the doctor said it was okay) and I started walking on my foot without being told to do so. I even started walking on all four feet in the house some. I guess I'm walking on all four feet in the house about 50 to 60% of the time now and that makes Mama very happy. I actually ran in the house the other day, but Mama said I shouldn't be running. It did kind of hurt, so I quit doing that. I'm walking pretty normal outside now. I walk at a normal pace without a limp, so that's really good. I just need to work on walking on all four feet in the house all the time and I will be set. We have a hill in our backyard, so I've been walking up that to strengthen the leg. We are going to try and decrease my medication a little bit today to see how I do. It may be too soon, but we will see. My leg is still pink but that's because I still don't have a lot of hair on my leg. My sores are almost healed. I guess it still might look a little nasty to someone who hasn't seen it before, but it's looking much better than it looked two weeks ago. I am definitely doing much better than a week ago, so we are very happy here!
The Greyhound Who Is Doing Much Better
Robin commented yesterday that I didn't have my bad foot down in my photo with Santa. Mama said she hadn't even noticed. I had been standing for quite a while before my photo session, so I think I was just tired. I am doing much better than last week. Mama has now upgraded me from a C to a B grade. Last Friday, Mama noticed that I was licking my bad leg and when Daddy came home from work and he walked me, he said I appeared to be in pain. Mama decided to give me some additional pain medication (the doctor said it was okay) and I started walking on my foot without being told to do so. I even started walking on all four feet in the house some. I guess I'm walking on all four feet in the house about 50 to 60% of the time now and that makes Mama very happy. I actually ran in the house the other day, but Mama said I shouldn't be running. It did kind of hurt, so I quit doing that. I'm walking pretty normal outside now. I walk at a normal pace without a limp, so that's really good. I just need to work on walking on all four feet in the house all the time and I will be set. We have a hill in our backyard, so I've been walking up that to strengthen the leg. We are going to try and decrease my medication a little bit today to see how I do. It may be too soon, but we will see. My leg is still pink but that's because I still don't have a lot of hair on my leg. My sores are almost healed. I guess it still might look a little nasty to someone who hasn't seen it before, but it's looking much better than it looked two weeks ago. I am definitely doing much better than a week ago, so we are very happy here!
The Greyhound Who Is Doing Much Better
Monday, November 21, 2011
Joey...Santa Is Watching You!
Scout here reporting to you about my clueless brother, Joey. Wouldn't you think after seeing Santa just a day ago that he would be on his best behavior? I keep telling him that Santa is watching him, but he is not paying any attention to me. He's not doing anything really bad. He's just pushing me around. Mama says he is strong like a bull. Daddy says he is a bully. If Daddy is petting me, Joey runs up and pushes me to the side and then he runs off. He doesn't even want to be petted. How could he not want to be petted? I don't think I would ever get tired of getting a belly rub, but not Joey. He likes them, but he doesn't like to sit still long enough for one. He's one strange boy. Actually, I'm beginning to think that all boy dogs are crazy!
Okay, I just have to say it. Have you seen the size of Joey's tongue? It's huge. Mama should crop it in the photo. It's going to ruin our Christmas cards. Joey said that if his tongue gets cropped, then my tail should be cropped. Yes, I have a long tail, but it's not taking over the entire photo! Boys!
The Greyhound Who Is On Santa's Nice List Unlike Her Brother
Okay, I just have to say it. Have you seen the size of Joey's tongue? It's huge. Mama should crop it in the photo. It's going to ruin our Christmas cards. Joey said that if his tongue gets cropped, then my tail should be cropped. Yes, I have a long tail, but it's not taking over the entire photo! Boys!
The Greyhound Who Is On Santa's Nice List Unlike Her Brother
Sunday, November 20, 2011
We Saw Santa!
That's right, I asked the big guy if he could bring Joey a clue because he is totally clueless. Just look at him! I probably would have let it go except this morning he stepped on me. I was laying on the floor and he was busy looking everywhere but where his feet were and he stepped on me. Mom warned him to be careful, but he did it anyway. Mama says that he has ADD. His attention span is about 3 seconds.
Anyway, Santa said he didn't know if he could bring Joey a clue, but he would try.
The Greyhound Whose Brother Is Really Clueless
Saturday, November 19, 2011
Happy Birthday Miss Scout!
Today is my special day. I am 6! Here are some photos from my past.
Mama asked me if I wanted a toy or treats and I chose treats. I'm getting those after dinner. Mama also gave me some coupons that I can redeem at any time. They are for belly rubs, ear rubs, butt rubs, car rides, walks and treats. Should I use them all in one day or spread them out? It would be a heck of a good day if I used them all in one day.
The Greyhound Who Is 6 Today!
Mama asked me if I wanted a toy or treats and I chose treats. I'm getting those after dinner. Mama also gave me some coupons that I can redeem at any time. They are for belly rubs, ear rubs, butt rubs, car rides, walks and treats. Should I use them all in one day or spread them out? It would be a heck of a good day if I used them all in one day.
The Greyhound Who Is 6 Today!
Friday, November 18, 2011
Mama's Christmas Present Is Here
Mama saw something last week that she just had to have. Daddy said if she wanted it, she could get it for Christmas, so she did. It arrived a few minutes ago. Do you want to see it? It was hard getting a full picture of it because it's so big!
It's a blanket with our pictures woven into it! It's really big and soft. Mama designed it and chose different fonts for our names to match our personalities. She really likes it!
She found a coupon for Groupon and so she got it for half price. She found another coupon for Groupon that appears to be active today, if anyone is interested: Groupon The company is PhotoWeavers They have a video on the website that shows you how they make the blankets. The ordering was really easy. The hardest part was picking out the pictures she wanted to use. They tell you if the quality is not high enough and there were a few photos that Mama wanted to use of Jack that she couldn't. I had to have a photo session for my photo because I didn't have any that she liked enough for the blanket. She finally got one of me that she loves. I think I look pretty good on a blanket.
Mama is not getting anything for telling everyone about the blanket. She just likes to share when she finds something she likes and thinks others may also like it. :-)
The Greyhound Who Is Woven Into A Blanket
It's a blanket with our pictures woven into it! It's really big and soft. Mama designed it and chose different fonts for our names to match our personalities. She really likes it!
She found a coupon for Groupon and so she got it for half price. She found another coupon for Groupon that appears to be active today, if anyone is interested: Groupon The company is PhotoWeavers They have a video on the website that shows you how they make the blankets. The ordering was really easy. The hardest part was picking out the pictures she wanted to use. They tell you if the quality is not high enough and there were a few photos that Mama wanted to use of Jack that she couldn't. I had to have a photo session for my photo because I didn't have any that she liked enough for the blanket. She finally got one of me that she loves. I think I look pretty good on a blanket.
Mama is not getting anything for telling everyone about the blanket. She just likes to share when she finds something she likes and thinks others may also like it. :-)
The Greyhound Who Is Woven Into A Blanket
Thursday, November 17, 2011
It's Not Saturday?
My leg is already returning to his regular size. It had shrunk while it was in a cast and bandage. Mama said she gives me a "C" grade for walking on it. I'm doing better, but I still prefer to three-leg it. We are working on it every day and it is getting stronger.
Mama is getting ready to work three jobs and she had to turn down a fourth one yesterday. Do you believe that? She only has one job that is permanent and the other two are more seasonal although she may be working them every month to stay active with the companies. We just has to wait and see. She discovered yesterday that she shouldn't take on hours after 4 p.m. because Scout and I don't like that. We are ready to play at 4 p.m. She is not allowed to have any background noise and we started whining. She was very happy when her shift ended and so were we. I really hope that she doesn't stress out as much with her training of job number three, like she did with job number two. She was not fun to be around. I really think she should just retire like me. She would be much happier.
The Greyhound Who Prefers Weekends To Week Days
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
Being Adopted Is the Best!
I don't have much to say today, except that I'm so glad that I have a forever home!
The Greyhound Who Is So Happy!
The Greyhound Who Is So Happy!
Monday, November 14, 2011
Getting Ready To Meet Santa
I'm going to meet Santa this coming Sunday and get my picture taken with him. I've never met the guy before. Yesterday, Mama spruced up a collar for me to wear. It was Jack's. She added some sparkling things to it. When I'm out in the sunlight, I really sparkle. I want to make a good impression because I've heard that he brings presents!
She made Scout a brand new collar. She bought the material last year, but didn't have time to use it because they busy moving. Mama was all excited about the collar and said it was cute. Daddy said that Scout doesn't do "cute" and Scout agreed.
Mama did photo sessions with us. I think I look pretty good.
Thank you to everyone for their comments about my leg. Mama and I were encouraged after reading them. I did better walking yesterday. I think it will just take time to build up my muscles. We thought since I was doing so well with the bandage that I would do fine without it, but it's like starting over. I think I'm already showing improvement, so we will just keep doing what we are doing.
The Greyhound Who Is Going To Meet Santa Soon!
Saturday, November 12, 2011
We Are Not Happy With The Time Change
Scout and I are not happy with the time change. It gets dark at 5 p.m. We don't get up until 4 p.m. That only gives us an hour to enjoy the daylight. Oh, sure, we are up a little bit during the day, but since Mama needs us to be quiet while she works, we sleep. We don't like being couped up inside so early. It just isn't right. Mama is not happy getting up at 4 a.m. to take me outside. My clock says it's 5 a.m.
I'm not doing as well with my naked leg as Mama would like. Daddy thinks that it's still weak even though I did my physical therapy like I was supposed to do and I was walking well when I had the bandage. He thinks the bandage was giving me support and now it's all me. I'm doing okay, I guess, but it's hard. We are not going to the park tomorrow because my folks think it would be too much for me. I'm just going to walk around the yard and do my physical therapy that way. We may take a ride in the car if there is time, but since it gets dark at 5 p.m., I doubt it.
Daddy winterized the RV, so that means no more camping this year. We planned on camping on Thanksgiving weekend, but our plans changed. I'm disappointed, but Mama says we will have fun at home. I'm hoping I will feel better by then and we can visit some parks.
The Greyhound Who Doesn't Like It Getting Dark So Early
I'm not doing as well with my naked leg as Mama would like. Daddy thinks that it's still weak even though I did my physical therapy like I was supposed to do and I was walking well when I had the bandage. He thinks the bandage was giving me support and now it's all me. I'm doing okay, I guess, but it's hard. We are not going to the park tomorrow because my folks think it would be too much for me. I'm just going to walk around the yard and do my physical therapy that way. We may take a ride in the car if there is time, but since it gets dark at 5 p.m., I doubt it.
Daddy winterized the RV, so that means no more camping this year. We planned on camping on Thanksgiving weekend, but our plans changed. I'm disappointed, but Mama says we will have fun at home. I'm hoping I will feel better by then and we can visit some parks.
The Greyhound Who Doesn't Like It Getting Dark So Early
Friday, November 11, 2011
Can you believe it? I'm only wearing my birthday suit today! Bunny, my sweet sister, if you don't want to see me naked, then look away from the computer. Everyone ready? Here I am!
Mama even took my collar off for the photos so that I would be totally naked. LOL
My leg has a few sores on it. It looks pretty pink in some areas and we didn't want to take close ups of that. I need to get my nails trimmed as they have gotten long in the past 11 weeks. My leg is quite a bit smaller than the other three. We expected that. Mama didn't know what to expect it to look like though. She says it's a little nasty looking, but not as bad as she had feared.
As soon as I got in the car after getting my bandage off, I started biting my foot. I didn't know what it was. I haven't seen it in so long. It feels so good to have my leg back. I have to work on walking on my foot in the house. I do okay outside, but I still like to three-leg it in the house.
No more socks. No more boot on my leg. I can go out in the rain without fear of getting my leg wet. I can take a bath. No, wait, I don't want to get carried away on the bath thing. I'm sure the vet would say that I shouldn't be getting in a bathtub for a several months.
It's so nice to only have to put my leash on to go outside instead of a sock and a boot. That was such a pain. Mama and Daddy both got aggravated with me because I didn't want to stand still and I would go around in circles and they would have to catch me and hold on to me.
I'm very tired this morning. The vet gave me some pain meds to take for a few days. He said it will help keep me quiet while I adjust to not having any protection on my leg. Mama said she would like to stock up on those drugs for the days that I'm a little to wild. I don't know what she is talking about. ;-)
The Greyhound Who Is As Naked As The Day He Was Born
Mama even took my collar off for the photos so that I would be totally naked. LOL
My leg has a few sores on it. It looks pretty pink in some areas and we didn't want to take close ups of that. I need to get my nails trimmed as they have gotten long in the past 11 weeks. My leg is quite a bit smaller than the other three. We expected that. Mama didn't know what to expect it to look like though. She says it's a little nasty looking, but not as bad as she had feared.
As soon as I got in the car after getting my bandage off, I started biting my foot. I didn't know what it was. I haven't seen it in so long. It feels so good to have my leg back. I have to work on walking on my foot in the house. I do okay outside, but I still like to three-leg it in the house.
No more socks. No more boot on my leg. I can go out in the rain without fear of getting my leg wet. I can take a bath. No, wait, I don't want to get carried away on the bath thing. I'm sure the vet would say that I shouldn't be getting in a bathtub for a several months.
It's so nice to only have to put my leash on to go outside instead of a sock and a boot. That was such a pain. Mama and Daddy both got aggravated with me because I didn't want to stand still and I would go around in circles and they would have to catch me and hold on to me.
I'm very tired this morning. The vet gave me some pain meds to take for a few days. He said it will help keep me quiet while I adjust to not having any protection on my leg. Mama said she would like to stock up on those drugs for the days that I'm a little to wild. I don't know what she is talking about. ;-)
The Greyhound Who Is As Naked As The Day He Was Born
Thursday, November 10, 2011
Today Is The Day!
Today is the day that my bandage is scheduled to come off for good. My appointment is not until 5 p.m. I hope I am not disappointed again.
If it doesn't come off, I'm going to cover my head and hide in bed.
If it does come off, you will see me naked on Friday.
The Greyhound Who Is Ready To Be Naked!
If it doesn't come off, I'm going to cover my head and hide in bed.
If it does come off, you will see me naked on Friday.
The Greyhound Who Is Ready To Be Naked!
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
Practicing For Our Christmas Photos
Mama is not sure she will be able to get a good photo of us together for our Christmas photo. She took a few practice shots yesterday and these were the results.
Mama has been debating buying a new Christmas tree. She donated our old one last year when we moved. She found one she likes at the store and has been thinking about buying it. However, she is worried that Joey will mark it. He's been really good, but we haven't had a tree in our house. Someone threw an artificial wreath in the field next to our house and Joey loves to "mark" it. It's really making her wonder if she should chance a tree this year. Mama is really the only one who cares about a tree and decorations. I think they are just clutter and I bet Joey will think everything is a toy.
The Greyhound Who Hopes She Doesn't Have To Wear Antlers For Her Photo
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
Don't Put Things Off
Remember back in August when they cleared the land next to us and put up electric lines? Well, a few weeks ago Mama noticed some sunflowers growing in the field. She loves sunflowers and thought it was really neat to have them growing in the field.
There was one that was really big and had several flowers on it. Mama kept saying she was going to take a picture of it, but she never did. Then something really bad happened to it.
The moral of the story is, if you see something you want to take a picture of, don't put it off because a tractor could run over it.
The Greyhound Who Doesn't Like The Tractor Being Parked Next To His House
There was one that was really big and had several flowers on it. Mama kept saying she was going to take a picture of it, but she never did. Then something really bad happened to it.
Yep, a tractor ran over it.
The moral of the story is, if you see something you want to take a picture of, don't put it off because a tractor could run over it.
The Greyhound Who Doesn't Like The Tractor Being Parked Next To His House
Monday, November 7, 2011
Rainy Days Ahead
We woke up this morning to a very rainy day. Our gutters must be clogged because we had to go through a waterfall to get off the porch. That really woke me up. It's supposed to rain for the next three days. We may get up to three inches. I'm not fond of rain, but I really hate it with my leg in a cast/bandage. When it rains, Mama not only puts my boot on me, but a sock and a plastic bag. Yep, today I had to wear three things. My boot is supposed to be waterproof, but we noticed after a few days that it wasn't. Mama called the place she bought it from and the lady said "Oh, does he have a hard cast on?" "Well, a hard cast wears off the water proofing." She told Mama to duct tape it and that will help it. It would have been nice if they would have told us that from the beginning. It works fine when it's dry out, of course, but when the grass is wet then I have to wear a sock with it and on days like today, we add a plastic bag to it. The bandage comes off on Thursday, so we just need to get through a few more days, but they will be very wet days. ::::sigh:::: I hope I don't get the Big D again this week. That could be really bad.
We had a fun day yesterday. We went to a state park that I hadn't been to before. Well, no one could remember for sure if I had been there, but Mama said I hadn't. Scout and Daddy thought I had. I couldn't remember. Daddy says I'm clueless most of the time. I'm not sure what he means by that. Anyway, we walked around the campsites and looked at all the lucky people that were camping. We talked to the host and then we came home and slept. We watched a football game that was really good until the end but then the Rams lost in overtime. Mama screamed at the TV and then left the room. We thought we might be on a winning streak, but we were wrong.
There was just a break in the rain, so we rushed outside as fast as we could and did our business. We should be fine until this afternoon That's a relief!
The Greyhound Who Plans On Sleeping Away A Rainy Day
We had a fun day yesterday. We went to a state park that I hadn't been to before. Well, no one could remember for sure if I had been there, but Mama said I hadn't. Scout and Daddy thought I had. I couldn't remember. Daddy says I'm clueless most of the time. I'm not sure what he means by that. Anyway, we walked around the campsites and looked at all the lucky people that were camping. We talked to the host and then we came home and slept. We watched a football game that was really good until the end but then the Rams lost in overtime. Mama screamed at the TV and then left the room. We thought we might be on a winning streak, but we were wrong.
There was just a break in the rain, so we rushed outside as fast as we could and did our business. We should be fine until this afternoon That's a relief!
The Greyhound Who Plans On Sleeping Away A Rainy Day
Sunday, November 6, 2011
Murphy's Law Struck Our House
Hi everyone,
It's me, Joey, telling you how this thing called Murphy's Law struck our house on Friday. Mama applied for a second job a few weeks ago. She had to take two classes and do a lot of homework and studying. She has been so stressed about it especially since Daddy kept asking her about it. It's not a job that will replace her other job. It's just a second job that is really just a seasonal, part-time job, so why worry right? Well, she didn't want to fail again after taking a second job over the summer and absolutely hating it. She worked really hard to get it and then found that it involved a lot of upselling which she hated doing. She didn't like customers yelling at her because she pushed products on them and she didn't like trying to talk people into buying more things that they probably couldn't afford. She doesn't like when people try to do that to her. She really hates sales.
She scheduled the second and final class for Friday morning. She scheduled a time when she knew that Scout and I would be napping and not making any noise. It's not that we are noisy anyway, but she wanted to be sure because this job requires no background noise AT ALL. If you get caught with background noise of any kind you are suspended. Well, Friday morning I woke Mama up at 4 a.m. because I had the "Big D". Mama thought everything was okay, but took me out at 9 a.m. again to be sure I would be settled down before her class. She should have let me sleep. I couldn't settle down and I kept running through the kitchen. My nails were going click, click, click. I would then come in Mama's office and whine, whine, whine, huff, huff, huff and then run back in the kitchen and click, click, click. I did this through Mama's entire class and verbal test. She thought for sure she would get in trouble. She kept muting her phone. The instructor kept asking her questions, so there were many chances for her to get caught. She almost just hung up the phone a few times, but she didn't. Finally, two and half hours later, she was told she passed and could hang up the phone. She hurried and put my boot on me and we ran outside and I did my business and then I was happy. We came back in and I promptly slept the rest of the day. That's the story of how Murphy's Law struck our house.
The Greyhound Who Doesn't Like Murphy's Law
It's me, Joey, telling you how this thing called Murphy's Law struck our house on Friday. Mama applied for a second job a few weeks ago. She had to take two classes and do a lot of homework and studying. She has been so stressed about it especially since Daddy kept asking her about it. It's not a job that will replace her other job. It's just a second job that is really just a seasonal, part-time job, so why worry right? Well, she didn't want to fail again after taking a second job over the summer and absolutely hating it. She worked really hard to get it and then found that it involved a lot of upselling which she hated doing. She didn't like customers yelling at her because she pushed products on them and she didn't like trying to talk people into buying more things that they probably couldn't afford. She doesn't like when people try to do that to her. She really hates sales.
She scheduled the second and final class for Friday morning. She scheduled a time when she knew that Scout and I would be napping and not making any noise. It's not that we are noisy anyway, but she wanted to be sure because this job requires no background noise AT ALL. If you get caught with background noise of any kind you are suspended. Well, Friday morning I woke Mama up at 4 a.m. because I had the "Big D". Mama thought everything was okay, but took me out at 9 a.m. again to be sure I would be settled down before her class. She should have let me sleep. I couldn't settle down and I kept running through the kitchen. My nails were going click, click, click. I would then come in Mama's office and whine, whine, whine, huff, huff, huff and then run back in the kitchen and click, click, click. I did this through Mama's entire class and verbal test. She thought for sure she would get in trouble. She kept muting her phone. The instructor kept asking her questions, so there were many chances for her to get caught. She almost just hung up the phone a few times, but she didn't. Finally, two and half hours later, she was told she passed and could hang up the phone. She hurried and put my boot on me and we ran outside and I did my business and then I was happy. We came back in and I promptly slept the rest of the day. That's the story of how Murphy's Law struck our house.
The Greyhound Who Doesn't Like Murphy's Law
Thursday, November 3, 2011
Camping Season Is Officially Over
The camping season here in Missouri is officially over. It ends on Halloween. People can still camp, but the state parks turn off the water. There are some parks that keep a hose going for people to fill up their tanks, but not all. Most people fill up their campers with water from home if they are going to camp now. It is more expensive doing that because it weighs down your camper and if you pay for your water, well, you have to pay to fill up your camper.
This past weekend, the park was almost full. We stayed until Monday, so we watched everyone leave on Sunday. It's really strange to see a park go from being full to empty. Sunday night, it was just us and a pop-up at the campground. Mama took pictures of the empty park as we were leaving. It was sad saying good-bye to the park.
We really should have taken photos of the park when it was full. The whole place was full of tents and campers.
We followed Daddy home instead of riding in the motor home because Daddy was concerned about the brake that the cars uses when it is towed. We were only about 40 minutes from home, so it wasn't a big deal to ride in the Jeep.
I've really enjoyed my first three camping trips. It's so much fun seeing new things, people and strange looking dogs.
We may go camping for Thanksgiving. We have to wait and see how the weather is before we can say for sure. Next year, I won't have my cast or bandage, so I will have even more fun than this year. I can't imagine having more fun, but Mama says I will. Weeeee!
The Greyhound Who Likes Camping As Much As His Big Brother Jack did
This past weekend, the park was almost full. We stayed until Monday, so we watched everyone leave on Sunday. It's really strange to see a park go from being full to empty. Sunday night, it was just us and a pop-up at the campground. Mama took pictures of the empty park as we were leaving. It was sad saying good-bye to the park.
We really should have taken photos of the park when it was full. The whole place was full of tents and campers.
We followed Daddy home instead of riding in the motor home because Daddy was concerned about the brake that the cars uses when it is towed. We were only about 40 minutes from home, so it wasn't a big deal to ride in the Jeep.
I've really enjoyed my first three camping trips. It's so much fun seeing new things, people and strange looking dogs.
We may go camping for Thanksgiving. We have to wait and see how the weather is before we can say for sure. Next year, I won't have my cast or bandage, so I will have even more fun than this year. I can't imagine having more fun, but Mama says I will. Weeeee!
The Greyhound Who Likes Camping As Much As His Big Brother Jack did
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Home Again - Part 3
Well, we just realized that we didn't finish telling you about the rest of our trip home. I don't know if we even remember the res...