Saturday, October 13, 2012

Meet & Greet 10/13

We have been sleeping late the past few days. When we were in Illinois and Indiana we had to get up at 4 a.m. because Dad had to ride the train. Yesterday, we woke up at 6 a.m. with Mama screaming "IT'S TRASH DAY!  WE CAN'T BE LATE!" She had a lot of trash to put out since we are becoming minimalist. There are just some things that Goodwill doesn't want.  What?  We can't even remember what she put out there, but she had six bags full of trash. She was a little nervous when the trash man came and he sat there for a while. We think he was making sure that we were on his list of stops again. Another company stopped first, but then they realized we weren't on their list.  Anyway, our trash guy took all our trash and Mama was happy.

Mama then took some things to the consignment store.  She is trying to sell her crystal and Dad's beer steins.  They were surprised that our glassware was indeed real crystal.  She has an appointment to take in other items next week.  They prefer appointments and since we are out of their "district", she can bring in 25 items at a time.  Mama doesn't think she will get much for her items, but it is easier than trying to sell them on Ebay.  She really hates just donating those items. We don't think minimalist have crystal and beer steins. LOL 

After Mama got home, she surprised us by taking us to the park.  She wanted us to practice on our ramp.  I do fine with the ramp, but Scout is not so sure about it. We walked around the park and had a lot of fun sniffing.

Today, we woke up at 7 a.m.   Mama informed us that we were going to a meet and greet. We got to see our friends from  Greyhound Companions of Missouri.  Mama was a little nervous because Dad said "You are going to take both of them?"  She hadn't really thought it would be a problem since she walked us all over while we traveled.   We did fine except for my whining while we drove there. I was too tired to whine on the way home. I whine when I am excited, so deal with it!

Want to see some exciting photos from the meet and greet?  Are you sure you are ready?

Scout with her tongue stuck to the floor.


 Mama should have taken photos of the other dogs. She is bad. 

After we got home, we took a nap.  Meet and greets are exhausting!

Me relaxing by my door.
The Greyhound Who Is Exhausted From Meeting And Greeting


  1. Beer steins? We have a basement bar that still needs to get decorated and filled with bar-type accoutrements...maybe an exchange of funds(AKA puppy biscuit monies) for a couple beer steins shipped could be arranged!

  2. Well, darn. I took them to the store yesterday. If they don't sell, I'll let you know.

  3. No harm no foul, give the puppies a kiss for me and my wife!

  4. Mum thinks minimalist sounds like the way to go! Who really needs all that stuff, especially if it is just gathering dust. She has been thinking about getting rid of some of it and fall garbage clean up week, were they will take anything is this week. Most times if you put stuff out, someone will take it before the garbage truck even gets there. She has three totes full of old china under the stairs that was passed down to her. She will never use it, but it would be nice if someone else could enjoy it. Maybe its time to get check out one of those consignment shops too!

    Miss Veil

  5. I bet everyone wanted a Greyhound after they met you and Scout, Joey. I'm sure those pictures were just taken during your union break.

    It sounds like your mama is really serious about getting rid of stuff!


  6. Meet and greet looks like very tiring work. But I bet everyone loved meeting the two of you.

  7. I am not on the fast track to decluttering but I'm on that path. I admire what you are doing. Joey and Scout, good job at the Meet & Greet. You were really working the crowd.

  8. Did you do any meeting and greeting or just take naps on a different floor than the one you have at home?

  9. By that standard, I have way too many beer steins/mugs/glasses to be minimalist :) That's how a Meet 'n Greet should be. Make them come to you on the floor, so you don't look so desperate to be petted.

  10. Mum says she can imagine people saying "I was thinking of getting a greyhound, but those two seem to be dead!" Hehe! Deccy x

  11. But meet and greets are such fun! We're about to become as minimalist as we can. Partly because we now have a booth at a local junk shop. Partly because there's just so much STUFF in our house!

  12. Wow, we admire your mum's discipline - ours would have been saying 'I might need this' etc and we would have ended up not throwing anything out.
    Love the photos of the Meet and Greet - do they put tranquilizers in the water, LOL?
    You are both so sweet asleep or awake.
    Keep up the good work Miss Patty!
    Dip Bridge and Elliot x

  13. Hi Y'all,

    Playing catch up!

    Y'all come by now,
    Hawk aka BrownDog


Home Again - Part 3

 Well, we just realized that we didn't finish telling you about the rest of our trip home.  I don't know if we even remember the res...